Saturday, March 29, 2008


---Second Blog Entry--- Day 6 of New Orleans---

Yesterday morning (3.28.08) I visited a cemetery. Yesterday afternoon the whole group went on a picnic for lunch. It was fun. Jess and I dressed up in matching outfits and we looked great! Yesterday night, Jodie and I went out for a nice little haunted tour with our new friend Angel. Angel is about 40 years old and has fangs. She says they are real. She also has a mustache and a very raspy voice. I have never heard so much nutty bullshit come out of one person and most of the time we couldn't even understand her. It was quite a hoot. In spite of our crazy tour guide, it was a fun time. We visited the Lalaurie House and the house of a Voodoo lady that is 80 years old. Fun Fun Fun.


Today we--
went on a gater hunt
watched people plant trees
took pictures of a nontraditional art gallery
ate chinese
got rained on
talked to a man who was devastated by Katrina
watched Jess get yelled at, then cry
had a minivan war (but only Rich participated)
Bonded with the photo essay class in our tightly packed minivan

It was a good day.

I don't want to go home yet.

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